пятница, 27 сентября 2019 г.

5а Задание на пятницу 4 октября

Раздаток - До красной черты переводят девочки и отвечаю на вопрос (все устно), после красной черты - мальчики. Повторяли глагол can
Оценки на 27 сентября будут выставлены за работу (дз) с глаголами have,  to be

He can swim
Can he swim? Yes, he can
Can he swim or run?- He can swim
What can he do?- Swim
Who can swim? – He can
He cannot (can’t ) swim
Can you wink?
Can you cross your eyes?
Can you say your name backwards?
Can you hold your breath for 20 seconds?
Can you snap your fingers?
Can you roll your tongue?
Can you wink with your left and right eye?
Can you crack your knuckles?
Can you make a funny face?
Can you whistle happy birthday?
Can you wiggle your ears?
Can you count backwards from 20?
Can you say “thank you” in 4 languages?
Can you flip a coin?
Can you dance?
Can you do 20 push-ups?
Can you say “Hello” in Spanish?
Can you Juggle?
Can you sing in English?
Can you name the capital cities of 5 countries?
Can you stand on 1 foot for one minute?
Can you raise one of your eyebrows?
Can you say “I love you” in 3 languages?
Can you draw a puppy?
Can you name 10 animals in English?
Can you name the months in English?
Can you name the days of the week in English?
Can you say a tongue twister in English?
Can you jump on one foot?
Can you say 5 words in English that start with the letter R?
Can you act like a cat for 15 seconds?
Can you act like a frog for 15 seconds?
Can you act like a rabbit for 15 seconds?
Can you act like a bird for 15 seconds?
Can you act like a dog for 15 seconds?
Can you act like a fish for 15 seconds?
Can you turn around 5 times?
Can you write a word with your left hand?
Can you talk about your family for 1 minute?
Can you name 5 vegetables?
Can you spell the word whiteboard?
Can you spell the word lemonade?
Can you spell the word Giraffe?
Can you name 5 jobs?
Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
Can you act like a monkey for 15 seconds?
Can you draw a doctor?
Can you name and point to 10 parts of the body?
Can you name 5 parts of the house?
Can you say the names of all your classmates?
Can you hug one of your classmates?
Can you sing a song?
Can you moo like a cow?
Can you jump 15 times?
Can you meow like a cat?
Can you snore for 30 seconds?
Can you do the splits?
Can you hop like a rabbit?
Can you stand on your head?
Can you baa like a sheep?
Can you hum your favourite song?
Can you hiccup for 15 seconds?
Can you tell a poem?
Can you say very fast “red lorry yellow lorry”  for 5 times?
Can you yawn for 15 seconds?
Can you bark like a dog?
Can you giggle for 20 seconds?
Can you say fast “she sells sea shells on the sea shore”?
Can you say fast “the butter with the batter is the butter that is better”?
Can you say fast “two tiny tigers took a taxi to town” for 3 times?
Can you say fast “can you can a can as a canner can can a can?”
Can you say fast  “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers” ?
Can you say fast “ I scream, you scream, we all scream for Ice Cream” ?
Can you say fast “stupid superstition” for 3 times?
Can you say fast “ Eleven benevolent elephants” for 3 times?
Can you say fast “very well” for 10 times?

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